About Me

Scotland, United Kingdom
Stay at home mum to 2 - I have a chronic back problem which is unpredictable - so I take each day as it comes. I do all sort of crafting and I volunteer at a local Charity on an as needed basis to man the phones and do a bit of admin when I`m able. I`m also a parent helper at my daughter`s school which keeps me busy and is very interesting. My philospy is be kind to one another, there are far too many selfish people in this world now - the legacy of the Thatcher years and I fear for the children and society with people living this way

Tuesday 24 November 2009

The PC and the kids are getting me down.

I`m sure my laptop is laughing at me as I approach it today. Nothing is going right, and I have loads of crafting stuff to print for my prep for the school craft group I organise later in the week. So why today? It`s run fine all week when I`v been doing other things.
I`m sure it`s in cahoots with the kids this week, that`s another problem, hormones kicking in with the 12yr old boy - spending loads of time in front of the mirror, and why would he want to
with the spots breaking out?? the 10yr old girl has also had an influx of hormones, physical changes abound and an injection of attitude are all really challenging me just now - ho hum!! If a job description for mum was given to us before having the kids who would want the job?? But we love them really.
Back to the PC - looks like a system restore is my next thing to try!! I hate the time wasting involved - but my blood pressure is going up through the roof and the girl is due home from school in just over an hour - please god help!!!

Tuesday 22 September 2009

What`s worth mentioning today

I`v been busy today - the local primary School is having

a Marie Curie Coffe Morning on Thursday - so I`m making

cards and jewellery to sell to help with their fundraising effort.